
The Preaching of Islam in India! Part 4 (SHAYKH AHMAD SIRHINDI part-2)

  Mujaddid Alf thani  Imam Rabbani Shaykh Farooq Ahmad Sirhindi... image credit:,_Rauza_Sharif_Complex,_Sirhind.jpg Mujaddid’s initiation in the Khawaja’s order: The Mujaddid was received warmly by Khawaja Baqi Billah when the former called upon him for initiation in his spiritual order. Ordinarily the Khawaja never showed any interest in enrolling novices for spiritual training but his treatment of the Mujaddid suggested as if he had been awaiting his arrival. Of a fact, the Mujaddid was to become the chief propounder of the Khawaja’s spiritual order in India and to renovate the spiritual climate then obtaining in the country by bringing the then liberal mystic thoughts and practices within the orthodox confines of the Shari’ah. Thus, deviating from his usual practice, the Khawaja asked the Mujaddid to extend his stay with him for a month or so as his guest. When the Khawaja was thinking of coming to India a par...

The Preaching of Islam in India! Part 4 (SHAYKH AHMAD SIRHINDI part-1)

  Mujaddid Alf thani  Imam Rabbani Shaykh Farooq Ahmad Sirhindi... image credit:,_Rauza_Sharif_Complex,_Sirhind.jpg Birth and childhood of Mujaddid: Shaykh Ahmad was born in Friday  night, the  14th of Shawwal, 971 at Sirhindi. From his early childhood he showed signs  of various disposition. one of his fathers spiritual guide Shah Kamal was a godly soul. He was specially attached to the young Ahmad and showed a keen interest in his  upbringing.  A descendant of the Mujaddid, Shah Abul Hasan Zaid Faruqi has traced the genealogy in the Muqamat-i-Khair (pp. 26-33) and taken pains to correct a few mistakes found in other sources. Others who have discussed the matter, and reached the same conclusion are Shah Muhammad Hasan Mujaddid of Sain Dad, Sind, Mahmud Ahmad Abbasi and Ahmad Husain Khan. Jawahar-M'asumi by the last mentioned need be seen in this connection. Mujaddid began his educatio...

The Preaching of Islam in India! Part 3 (Khawaja Baqi Billah)

  Shaykh Abdul Baqi (Khawaja Baqi Billah) image credit: P opularly known as Khawaja Baqi Billah of Kabul, he had migrated to Delhi and was a profound sage presenting the picture of the Q uranic verse: "We have not created the jinn and man save for our worship". Excelling in devotion, piety and holy endeavor, he was very crucible of devotion to God emitting the brilliance of love divine. Born about 971-72 A.H, at Kabul, he took maulana Muhammad Sadiq Halwai as his teacher and accompanied him in his tour to Transoxiana. there he set his heart on betaking the path of spirit and terminated his education to call upon the mystic shaykh's of the era. First of all he enlisted himself as a disciple of  shaykh Khawaja Obaid, a spiritual successor to maulana Lutfullah. Aspiring to attain the highest reaches of divine truth, he took shaykh Iftikhar and then Amir Abdullah of Balkh as his spiritual guides but was nor satisfied till he was mysteriously drawn to Khawaja Bah...

The Preaching of Islam in India! Part 2 (KHAWAJA ALAUDDIN SABIR KALYARI)

Makhdoom-ul-Alam Hadhrat Shaykh Alauddin Ahmed Sabir Kaliyari Image credit:     H e was the nephew and among the senior khulafaa of Hadhrat Khawaja Farid Uddin Ganjshakar. He was born at Kohtwaal in the district of multan in the year 592 AH. He is the descendent of Hadhrat Imaam Hasan (Ra). his ancestral chain is as follows: K hawaja Alauddin the son of Shah Ibrahim Abdur Rahim Abdus Salam, the son of shah Saifuddin Abdul Wahab, the son of Hadhrat Gauth Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani. Khawaja served in the general mess (Langar khana) of Khawaja Farid for 12 years upon his instructions all this time but never ate of the food because of lack of express permission. He would always be fasting. Finally when Hadhrat Fareed enquired from him in his regard, he said: "What right does this slave have to partake of anything without the permission of Hadhrat?" On hearing this reply, Hadhrat gave him the title of Sabir (The Patient ...

The Preaching of Islam in India! Part 2 (KHAWAJA NIZAMUDDIN AWLIYA part-3)

                         im age credit: TOI Sultan -ul- Masha'ikh Khawaja Nizamuddin Awliya:- T he gifts and talents of Khawaja Nizamuddin were perhaps expressed most concisely as well as meaningfully, by his spiritual guide Khawaja Farid Uddin Ganjshakar while conferring his viceregency upon him. He had said: "God has bestowed upon you the gifts of knowledge, intellect and his love; and anyone combining these qualities is best suited to discharge the responsibility of a vicegerent." Having attained the state of peaceful contentment, the Khawaja was always careful that all those disciples who were chosen by him to keep alight the lamp of his mystic order, expelled the liking for wealth and dignity from their hearts. Once Fasihuddin, a disciple, asked: "Who deserves to become the vicegerent of a spiritual teacher?" replied the Khawaja "One who is not at all keen to become a vicegerent." Daily Routine of ...

The Preaching of Islam in India! Part 2 (KHAWAJA NIZAMUDDIN AWLIYA part-2)

                                                                                Image credit: Times of India   Sultan -ul- Masha'ikh Khawaja Nizamuddin Awliya:- T he pith and marrow of Khawaja Nizamuddin's life and character, which illuminated his inner self and inspired his moral zeal, was the fervor of  spiritual love arising from the harmony of his soul. the flame of this love which he carried in his self from the very beginning burst into a radiant glow in the practice of spiritual austerities under the paternal guidance of his shaykh and guide Farid Uddin Ganjshakar and illuminated the environs of Delhi for more than half a century. The Khawaja's elevated soul which had reached the highest degree of sanctity, diffused the message of divine love to the four...

The Preaching of Islam in India! Part 2 (KHAWAJA NIZAMUDDIN AWLIYA part-1)

Image credit: Times of India   Sultan -ul- Masha'ikh Khawaja Nizamuddin Awliya:- P opularly known by his surname Nizamuddin, he was named by his father Ahmad ibn Ali. Descending from a family of Sayed's which had migrated from Arabia to central Asia then had come down to Lahore and finally settled in Badaun (it is situated in the eastern bank of Sot river in Uttar Pradesh). Khawaja was born in Badaun in 636 AH. When he was only five years of age his father died. His mother who was known for her fervent  piety, took pains for his proper education and guidance despite extreme poverty. Impulsive Attraction towards the Shaykh:   Khawaja Nizamuddin says: When I was only twelve years of age, still studying under Abu Bakr Kharrata, a man who had been to Multan came to see my teacher. he began to narrate the virtues and excellence of Shaykh Baha Uddin Zakariya Multani , the atmosphere of sanctity and Godliness prevailing in his monastery and the enthusiasm and...