
Showing posts from March, 2022

The Preaching of Islam in India! Part 4 (SHAYKH AHMAD SIRHINDI part-1)

  Mujaddid Alf thani  Imam Rabbani Shaykh Farooq Ahmad Sirhindi... image credit:,_Rauza_Sharif_Complex,_Sirhind.jpg Birth and childhood of Mujaddid: Shaykh Ahmad was born in Friday  night, the  14th of Shawwal, 971 at Sirhindi. From his early childhood he showed signs  of various disposition. one of his fathers spiritual guide Shah Kamal was a godly soul. He was specially attached to the young Ahmad and showed a keen interest in his  upbringing.  A descendant of the Mujaddid, Shah Abul Hasan Zaid Faruqi has traced the genealogy in the Muqamat-i-Khair (pp. 26-33) and taken pains to correct a few mistakes found in other sources. Others who have discussed the matter, and reached the same conclusion are Shah Muhammad Hasan Mujaddid of Sain Dad, Sind, Mahmud Ahmad Abbasi and Ahmad Husain Khan. Jawahar-M'asumi by the last mentioned need be seen in this connection. Mujaddid began his educatio...

The Preaching of Islam in India! Part 3 (Khawaja Baqi Billah)

  Shaykh Abdul Baqi (Khawaja Baqi Billah) image credit: P opularly known as Khawaja Baqi Billah of Kabul, he had migrated to Delhi and was a profound sage presenting the picture of the Q uranic verse: "We have not created the jinn and man save for our worship". Excelling in devotion, piety and holy endeavor, he was very crucible of devotion to God emitting the brilliance of love divine. Born about 971-72 A.H, at Kabul, he took maulana Muhammad Sadiq Halwai as his teacher and accompanied him in his tour to Transoxiana. there he set his heart on betaking the path of spirit and terminated his education to call upon the mystic shaykh's of the era. First of all he enlisted himself as a disciple of  shaykh Khawaja Obaid, a spiritual successor to maulana Lutfullah. Aspiring to attain the highest reaches of divine truth, he took shaykh Iftikhar and then Amir Abdullah of Balkh as his spiritual guides but was nor satisfied till he was mysteriously drawn to Khawaja Bah...